# LabWise Knowledge Objects

GitHub release

This is a collection of objects that focus on test guidelines as provided by Chossing Wisely.

# Status

The current release of LabWise collection of knowledge objects is GitHub release

This release contains 3 KOs, as listed.

  1. ANA sub-serologies Testing

  2. Thyroid Testing

  3. Thrombophilia Testing

# LabWise KO Description

Endpoint: /getrecommendation

Input Example:

  "testresult": true

Output Example (Only the result of the response is shown):

  "status":"Major transient risk factors are present for the patient",
      "text":"DO NOT order Thrombophilia Level Test."
  "source":"American Society of Hematology",
Last Updated: 10/10/2018, 5:44:24 PM