# Post PCI Knowledge Objects

GitHub release (opens new window)

This collection is derived from the DAPT study that aimed to identify the risk of benefit vs. harm for patients that continue thienopyridine treatment beyond one year after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI).

# Status

The current release of postpci collection of knowledge objects is GitHub release (opens new window)

This release contains two KOs, as listed below.

# Post PCI KO Description

  1. Ischemic Bleeding Risk Calculator (opens new window)

Endpoint: /getIschemicRisk

Input Example:

  "DAPT": 1,
  "age": 60,
  "periphDisease": 0,
  "hypertension": 1,
  "renal": 0

Output Example (Only the result key-value pair of the response is shown):

  "result": 0.024
  1. Stent Thrombosis Risk Calculator (opens new window)

Endpoint: /getStentThrombosisRisk

Input Example:

  "DAPT": 1,
  "infar": 0,
  "priorPCI": 0,
  "CHF": 1,
  "veinGraft": 0,
  "stentDiameter": 1,
  "pac": 1,
  "cigSmoker": 1,
  "diabetes": 0,
  "periphDisease": 0,
  "hypertension": 1,
  "renal": 0

Output Example (Only the result key-value pair of the response is shown):

  "result": 0.065
Last Updated: 10/10/2018, 6:12:47 PM